Caojiandu Bridge


City of Shanghai


Shanghai, China


Concrete segmental box girder bridge



Services provided

  • Detailed designs
  • Static & dynamic structural analysis
  • Construction services

Conducted step-by-step analysis of this segmental concrete bridge construction. The proposed structure was a major water crossing and has an overall bridge length of 1,567 feet with a main span of 788 feet. A balanced cantilever construction method was utilized for the design and construction. Performed comprehensive analysis to determine the longitudinal and transverse post-tensioning and secondary post-tensioning effects required under both operational conditions: truck loading and construction loading. Performed analysis for erection sequence, erection equipment considering the sequence and time of stressing tendons, and creep and shrinkage effects. To improve the section efficiency and aesthetics, a hunched girder profile utilizing a single box with twin cells was used for the superstructure. In addition to static analysis, performed an elaborate dynamic analysis for the seismic design of the foundation system.

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