Hillsborough River Bridge Rehabilitation




Tampa, FL


Bascule bridge


rehabilitation, evaluation, research



Services provided

  • Vibration analysis
  • Retrofit recommendations
  • Review rehabilitation plans

We reviewed bridge retrofit alternatives, plans, construction procedures. Also identified a best alternative for reducing bridge vibration through in-depth dynamic analysis. The bridge was built in 1996 and is a double-leaf, trunnion-type bascule span with appreciable fixed bridges at the approaches. The bascule bridge span length is 172 ft. The total bridge width is 54 ft. The bridge consists of two plate main girders connected by 5 floor beams. There are seven stringers between the main girders. All structural steel is ASTM A709, Grade 50. During recent years, the bridge vibrated significantly under traffic loading and uncomfortable noises have been reported. The Department decided to retrofit the bridge. This project included strengthening the floor beams, lateral bracings, relocating and reinstalling locker bars and is a major rehabilitation project. Part of the analytical results has been presented in IABSE 2014 Symposium in Madrid and published in Journal of Transportation Research Board (TRB), No. 2592.

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