Mao-Kou Bridge


City of Shanghai


Shanghai, China


Cable-stayed bridge



Services provided

  • Linear & non-linear structural analysis

Performed an elaborate linear and non-linear structural analysis of this symmetrical, concrete, cable-stayed structure. The proposed structure was a major water crossing bridge carrying four lanes of traffic and having an overall bridge length of 1,345 feet with a central span of 673 feet. The superstructure is comprised of two lines of precast concrete box stiffening girders. The bridge towers are concrete portal pylons with vertical legs which are supporting two planes of harp patterned cables with varying lengths. Investigated the torsional stiffness of the superstructure and the dynamic stability particularly during the critical erection phase of the cantilevers. The investigation included preparing a mechanical model to examine the stability in response to strong wind turbulence and possibility of wind and rain induced vibrations at the cables. In addition to performing an elaborate space frame static and dynamic analysis to determine the force effects in the structure, he investigated the sudden impact of a cable loss.

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