New Hathaway Bridge




Panama City, FL


Concrete segmental box girder bridge


evaluation, damage analysis



Services provided

  • In-depth construction crack analysis

Performed in-depth analysis to identify the main reason for the cracks. Used three- dimensional models, considering different construction stages and loadings, and found the top temporary and bottom permanent post-tensioning forces were the main reason causing the observed cracks and properly increasing web thickness can eliminate most observed cracks. This bridge consisted of an eastbound and a westbound pair with 12 and 14 continuous spans respectively having a maximum span length of 330 ft. The cumulative span lengths of the eastbound and westbound bridges are 3384 ft and 3815 ft, individually. Each of the eastbound and westbound bridges consists of a single box precast concrete segmental girder with a total deck width of 80 ft. The girder depth varies from 18 ft at interior pier to 10 ft at mid-span. During construction, many web cracks developed in the external anchorage areas. Part of the Evaluation Report has been published in 2012 TRB Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings.

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