Thomasville Flyover Bridge




Tallahassee, FL


Curved steel box girder bridge


evaluation, load rating, research



Services provided

  • Bridge capacity evaluation procedures
  • Computer modeling & structural analysis

A three-span, continuous, two steel box girder bridge with an overall span length of 588 feet. Chief engineer that developed entire bridge capacity evaluation procedures, conducted computer modeling, superstructure structural analysis, and developed load capacity rating and test procedures. Findings included:

  • Existing AASHTO guide specifications (2003) regarding the first transverse stiffener spacing at the simple end support of a girder would be too conservative for bridge load capacity ratings.

  • The existing AASHTO guide specifications could significantly overestimate the effect of dynamic loadings on curved steel box girder bridges with long span lengths.

The findings increase the bridge load capacity more than 30% over that determined according to the specifications. Part of his findings were presented in 2005 at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies Annual Meeting and published in TRB’s Journal.

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